
Junior School - Grades 7-8

All students in Grade 7 study a common course that covers all learning areas.

Our core educational program is focussed on learning outcomes in the areas of Mathematics, English, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, HPE and Digital Technology. These core subjects are delivered in a middle school approach by a small team of teachers. There is a big focus on developing students’ literacy and numeracy capabilities across all learning areas. In addition to these core programs students will be given the chance to explore areas such as the Arts, Music, Drama, Art and Technology. The aim of the grade 7 program is to support students’ transition into high school while developing a sense of connectedness and belonging.

In Grade 8 students have a choice to specialise more and are able to choose optional subjects across a range of learning areas. Grade 8 students will continue to study Mathematics, English, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences and HPE.

Senior School – Secondary Grades 9 - 10

In the Senior School student learning opportunities are targeted to individual needs and aspirations. Students are required to meet the standards of the Australian Curriculum Framework but are given a diverse range of pathways to achieve the learning outcomes specified. Many courses are offered that challenge students in a variety of ways to ensure they receive a broad education but are also given the chance to pursue their passions.

Programs for extending students, along with courses that enable students to seek remedial help and fill gaps in their skills and knowledge, ensure that our curriculum is both personalised and differentiated.

Senior Secondary Grades 11/12

The Senior Secondary curriculum at Huonville High School is designed to offer students an excellent opportunity to complete their 11 and 12 studies focussing on a broad range of subjects and training here in the Huon Valley. The Senior campus provides a flexible learning environment where they are given the best chance of success in their chosen subjects.

The adjoining Huon Valley Trade Training Centre offers state of the art training facilities for Vocational Education and Training (VET), in a variety of industry areas. Huonville High School partners with Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) as needed to provide accreditation in a range of qualifications and skill sets.

Students may consider an Australian School-Based Apprenticeship (ASbA) as part of their studies. An ASbA provides an opportunity for students to get a head-start in the career of their choice or to gain a qualification whilst undertaking meaningful work.
Students are also able to split their enrolment with other senior secondary colleges in the state for either year 11, 12 or both depending on their chosen pathway.

Post Year 10 Course Counselling

The Year 10s have been investigating Post Year-10 options for Senior Secondary School during Home Room.

Students will continue to work with Transition focussed staff in order to get prepared for making the best choices for their educational journey.

Huonville High is a 7 – 12 school, and is able to provide a range of options to suit a variety of pathways such as: University preparation, Vocational Educational Pathways, School Based Apprenticeships, or a combination of all of the above!

As more and more schools continue to Year 11 and 12, like our school does, it’s important for students, parents and carers to be well informed.